The Wingert Family

The Wingert Family is a relatively small group compared to familia Pizarro.

Katherine’s mom- Karen, her Dad- John, her older brother- Jim, and their lovely significant others: Steve (Karen’s boyfriend), Carita (John’s girlfriend) and Ali (Jim’s girlfriend).


Katherine’s mom cooking up a storm, not to be overlooked by Steve


John and Carita visiting Katherine in Lima last year


Ricardo, Katherine, Jim, and Ali enjoying some holiday festivities

Familia Pizarro

Starting at the top of the barking order, Manuel Pizarro and Ximena Cataldo are Ricardo’s parents. Then follow the siblings, sorted by age: another Manuel (Manolo), Gonzalo, Carolina, then Ricardo. Manolo is married to Pamela Osorio and they live in Santiago, Chile (plaza Ñuñoa). Gonzalo and Dianna are married, live in Takoma Park, MD and have two beautiful girls: Olivia and Lucia. Carolina and Francisco (Pancho) Demichelis are married, live in Asuncion, Paraguay, and have three kids: Mateo, Carlota, and Julieta.


Manuel (papa) Pizarro, Guillermo (Tata / grandpa) Cataldo, Ximena (mama) Cataldo, Katherine, Carolina, Pancho, Mateo


Manolo and Pamela dancing cueca for New Years

Gonzalo, Lucia, Olivia, and Dianna

Gonzalo, Lucia, Olivia, and Dianna

la foto 2

Pancho, Mateo, Julieta, Carlota, and Carolina at the hospital after Julieta was born


Lucia, Carlota, Julieta, Ximena (abueli), Olivia, y Mateo
